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UK Citizenship

UK Citizenship, or Naturalisation, entitles you to a life in Britain, a British passport, unrestricted entry to the UK, and free movement within the European Union (EU).It is possible to apply for UK Citizenship after being granted Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). You may also qualify for British Nationality through Registration or through the Right of Abode in the UK.

It is not mandatory to naturalise once you have been granted ILR (UK Citizenship), but it is advisable to become a British Citizen to ensure you are completely free from British Immigration control forever.

The United Kingdom allows dual nationality. You can become a British National without giving up citizenship in your original country of nationality, if your original country allows it.

Benefits of UK Citizenship
UK Citizenship provides the person with unrestricted entry to the UK. The person will be free to work in the UK with no restrictions. The person will receive a British passport and will be able to enjoy the same benefits as the British.

UK Citizenship Eligibility
To become a UK citizen various criteria's must be met which vary depending on the individual circumstances of the person. The person must have spent five or more years in Britain.

The person must:

The application must include:

To apply for UK Citizenship where a candidate has been in Britain for three or more years candidates must:

Applicants who were born to a British mother outside of Britain the country before 1 January 1983 now qualify for UK Citizenship.

Applicants who were born to a British father outside of Britain are permitted to undergo UK naturalization.

The applicant must be over 18 years of age when applying.

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