Home Office – October Immigration Fee Increase
Posted by Jade Coleman on 10/04/10 • Categorized as Immigration,UK,Updates,Visa
The UK Border agency has increased immigration fees that come into effect 1st October. These increases are added on top of the increases that occurred in April 2010. The new fees are set considerably higher than it will cost to process an immigration application. The UK government has previously admitted that the increased fees will also help to pay for other costs as a result of UK immigration, even though as evidence suggests that increased immigration was a huge benefit to the UK.
Tagged as: Home Office Fees, October Increase, Update
it was already high enough..they want skilled workforce and also want high profits in attracting that workforce..very unfair!!
it was already high enough.! they want skilled workforce and also huge profits in attracting that workforce..not fair !!
They have make Home office as income generator rather than to give visas. Cameron doesn’t have any other plan/strategy to generate revenue than increase fee and taxes.